Health Rules & Form

1. Physical / Dental Health Rules

All new and returning students are required to annually submit health forms, including Immunization Records, Pre-Admission Health History - Parent's & Physician's Reports & Parent Permission for Administration of Acetaminophen (a generic brand of Tylenol). These health forms and documents must be completed and returned to the School before each school year begins. An annual dental exam is also recommended.
Based on Immunization Law of California (SB277) and the decision made by Board of Regents, the school requires all children entering preschool and Kindergarten to be current on all immunizations. Exemptions for religious or other personal beliefs will no longer be accepted.

2. Illness Policy

To minimize the spread of ailments among students, teachers and staff, please promptly notify the School Office if your child contracts a communicable disease. “Communicable diseases” include but are not limited to lice, chicken pox, flu and colds.

If a student becomes ill during the regular school day, he or she will be sent by the teacher to the School Office. Parents will be contacted at the telephone number on file to pick up their child, if necessary. At the School's discretion, School administration may determine that, due to illness, parents must pick up the child before the end of the school day.

If you are unsure whether your child is sick, we urge you to contact a medical professional. The School reserves the right to request parents to provide written information by a physician licensed by the Medical Board of California about the status of their child's health status and whether the child may safely return to school after the child has experienced a communicable disease.

Our policies and procedures are as follows:

  1. Sick children must be excluded from the center until they are no longer contagious, so as not to expose other children. A physician's note may be requested before your child is permitted to return to school.
  2. If your child arrives to School with symptoms of possible illness or tooth-ache, you will be contacted immediately.
  3. If we are unable to contact you or you cannot pick up your child, we will phone the persons listed on the emergency contact list.
  4. If your child contracts a contagious illness, please notify the School immediately.
  5. Please do not send any medication to School with your child. The staff is not authorized to give medication to the children.

3. Medical & Dental Emergencies

In case of a true emergency, the following steps will be taken:

  1. After assessing the situation, the paramedics may be notified immediately. (While waiting for the emergency crew to arrive, one staff member will follow directions given over the phone by the emergency dispatch personnel).
  2. The person(s) listed in the emergency release form will be notified immediately.
  3. Upon arrival of the emergency crew, the emergency release form will be presented to them.
  4. One staff member will accompany the child to the nearest hospital chosen by the emergency personnel (in Los Angeles County, patients are transported by emergency crew to the nearest hospital that is available at that specific time).

The School assumes no liability for injury or death to a student in the event the School must administer reasonable treatment to a student without the consent of the parent(s) when the child is ill or injured during school hours and needs reasonable medical treatment and the parent(s) cannot be reached, unless the parent(s) have previously filed a written objection to any treatment other than first aid.

If you have any questions or concerns related to your child's health or this policy, please do not hesitate to consult with the School's Administration.

Health and Parent Consent Forms

Here you can download our Health Forms and Parent Consent Forms. They are provided in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader here.

Emergency Contact and Release Form

Parent Permission (Consent and Physician's Order) For Medication Administration

Parent Permission (Consent and Physician's Order) for TYLENOL Administration